For Your Education - FYE Nurturing Creativity – For Your Education
For Your Education

Nurturing Creativity

During certain holidays like Halloween kids often display amazing creativity.   You can help foster that creativity in your own kids.  To some creativity is a vague concept that only a rare few multimillionaires and the successful population possess. But creativity is characterized by the ability to perceive the world in new ways.  Creativity involves two processes: A) thinking then producing something and B) if one has ideas they are able to bring it to fruition.  Creativity is crucial because it determines future success in all fields.  Creativity is just not limited to artistic and musical expression it is also essential for science, math and engineering.

But could creativity be taught? Research points to yes.  Creativity skills can be learnt, but not by sitting for a lecture within a classroom but by learning and applying our creative thinking processes.  Based on 70 studies done in 2004, by the Creativity Research Journal, it was found that well designed creative training programs actually induced gains in performance across the board in all areas.

Now in the new century, creativity is needed more than ever for economic growth.  We need to be able to change the education system to cater to this very creativity. We still follow the old system of education that gives us direction and we must follow.

Many researchers feel that we have fundamentally changed the experience of childhood education in such a way as to hinder creativity.  With the overwhelming emphasis on electronic games and such, children’s imagination is no longer fostered but obstructed.  But there are still some ideas that one can do to nourish creativity in your child: