For Your Education - FYE Brain Science in the classroom – For Your Education
For Your Education

Brain Science in the classroom

Heritage Learning Academy

According to How Children Succeed by Paul Tough there are certain characteristics that cannot be taught like academics in the classroom. The book focuses on how listening can change the brain. Qualities like grit, curiosity and character must be taught to children early on.  However, for kids that face adversity this may become impossible.

Tough refers to a study that the links negative health outcomes with  children facing adverse early experiences.  He described a huge body of evidence that early stressful experiences and adversity affects the body and brain of these children leading to emotional and behavioral issues later on.  Tough explains not to look through paradigms to replicate but to extract ideas and principles that lead to successful interventions.

Tough also describes in his book creative methods i.e. role playing exercises and non-traditional sports . His program has resulted in grade improvement, attendance and graduation rates.  Tough also feels that not enough taxpayer dollars are invested to programs for early childhood development for children under 3 years of age from disadvantaged households.  He felt that if we funneled in more money  to children growing up with adversity we would not only save these children but help all children overall.

Tell us what you think.  Do you feel that younger children deserve to have extra funding for adversity?