For Your Education - FYE BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION (Part 2) – For Your Education
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(Behavior Modification – Part 1)

A well developed behavior modification program will have a Behavior Chart to record a child’s progress with the child. Tracking a child’s good behaviors is one way to modify bad ones. Whenever a child makes it through a day (or part of a day or hour) without demonstrating the negative behavior, he/she receives a sticker or check mark on her behavior chart. When he/she has attained a predetermined number of stickers or checks, he/she will receive a tangible reward. Focusing on being good for small segments of time (the smaller, the better) helps the student keep track of what is expected of her so that he/she can behave accordingly.

The next step is to actually redirect the child from the inappropriate behavior to a more appropriate one. Redirecting a child from an undesirable behavior to one that is more appropriate is an effective behavior modification technique used in most special education classrooms today. With redirection, the child is distracted from the inappropriate behavior and is encouraged to focus on a task that will help him to behave correctly. Instead of being punished for his inappropriateness, he is given the opportunity to make a different or better choice when he becomes involved in a different activity.

Always keeping the children engaged in their progress and assessment is a good way to help them monitor their own behavior. Involving the student in their own behavior assessment is another way that special education teachers can modify unwanted behaviors in the classroom. When the student knows exactly what is expected of them and is asked to keep track of and judge their own compliance with the rules, they are generally more apt to obey them. Giving them the power to evaluate their own behavior will boost confidence and self-esteem, as well as make them more aware of their impulses and ability to control them.

During the day, visual cues are essential in maintaining behaviors. A well-equipped special education classroom will have plenty of visuals, such as step charts and behavior charts, to help the children remember what is expected of them. By providing clear visual cues, the special education teacher will reinforce the students’ self-sufficiency and decision-making abilities. Additionally, having a visual code, such as hand motions, can keep a student’s wandering attention on the right track.

Modeling appropriate behavior is one of the most effective means of behavior modification in any classroom. By demonstrating the right way to behave, the teacher provides a guide as to what is expected and also proves that the behavior is possible. If the teacher can do it, so can the student.

A child’s behavior is almost always motivated by a desire to achieve a reaction or goal. When a special education teacher practices the principle of “extinction,” she is modifying a behavior by cutting off the reward. For example, if a child consistently screams when it is time to put away the play-dough, it is simple to figure out the expected reward is more time with the play-dough.

The special education teacher would then ignore the screams and put the play-dough away. If the screaming continues after the play-dough has been put away, the teacher might calmly request the the student do his screaming in another corner of the room so as not to disturb the rest of the class while they enjoy the present activity. By extinguishing the reward, the child has no incentive to continue with the unwanted behavior.

Behavior modification is an excellent tool in special education. However, it needs to be done on a consistent and and constant basis in order for it to work effectively. Without proper follow through, the student will not have the constancy and regularity that they need in order to receive the proper benefits of behavior modification.

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