For Your Education - FYE Raising Teens – For Your Education
For Your Education

Raising Teens

Reminiscing my teen years, I have vague memories of torment and moodiness towards my parents.  When I had my own teens, the tide shifted and I was always on the receiving end of the eye rolling, angst and moodiness.  I often wondered what happened to my sweet children I worked so hard at raising and that loved me back unconditionally as youngsters. Parenting does not stop after the kids are in their adolescent years, I felt I could have done so much more to encourage closeness as a family and ensure the success of my own kids.

Adolescence is a time of important transitions for both the children and the parents.  Your child is transitioning from childhood to adulthood. Parenting during this stage could be hugely challenging for some of us. Here are a few ways we can approach it:


Having good parenting skills and developing valuable relationships with your child could benefit them now and for times to come when they will have their own children.  Putting in the effort now could plant the seeds for a lifetime of success that can transcend all areas!