For Your Education - FYE Dealing with Defiant Kids – For Your Education
For Your Education

Dealing with Defiant Kids

Defiance, makes any parent unhappy.  As parents we feel that we are always in charge of our kids but sometimes our kids get the better of us and then they are in charge of us.  The key is to stay calm and not to overreact to their insolence.  Remember, the more attention that is given to bad behavior the more your children will act up.

According to Dr. Laura Markham, a clinical psychologist, kids feel  distressed when they feel they are being controlled or taken advantage of.  Children need to feel significant and capable.  They feel disconnected with their parents when tantrums or negative behaviors occur.  It may very well be that the child feels upset at the time or the relationship needs fixing.

Punishment may further damage the relationship between you and your child if you go through with it.  So one must deal with the defiance not with discipline but with patience.  As a parent, you must once again connect with your child.  The approach to connect with your child varies with the age level.



With toddlers, they are still exploring relationships and they are trying to figure out that they can be themselves without having to say “No!”  Parents sometimes forget that toddlers are just small humans who have their own opinions and views of their little lives.



Preschoolers are aware of the rules, when they are defiant.  Preschoolers are still unaware of how to express themselves and they need your help to do this:


Elementary Schoolers

Elementary schoolers are defiant when they feel like they have been treated unfairly. The best way to handle their defiance is by:



Preteens like to test their limits, literally!  They will experiment with defiance because they hear it from their peers.



Teens are defiant when they feel disconnected or have lost respect for us.  Their defiance is best handled by:


Make sure to stay consistent with your child’s behavior issues and boundaries. When your children understand and see that you are looking after them they will  become your best friends and develop skills to be better parents when they have a few of their own.  Parenting is a full time job but through mutual communication and respect it may be the most  rewarding experience the two of you could ever have.