For Your Education - FYEFor Your Education – Page 2 – For All Things Educational
Metacognition Training Boosts Test Scores Featured 

Metacognition Training Boosts Test Scores

When taking general Chemistry exams sometimes students overestimate their abilities and feel that they have such a good grip of the material that they feel they will score in the 80’s or may even pull off a score in the 90’s if the exam has questions that you have studied for.  A few weeks later you get your exam back... Read More
Effects of Spanking Your Child Featured 

Effects of Spanking Your Child

Some people believe spanking your child is a positive form of discipline.   While others know it to be ineffective but have no idea as to  how to actually find a better means of discipline.  The last thirty years of research have given us clear results that kids that are spanked are less emotionally healthy than kids who aren’t.  Also... Read More
Helping Students Hold Onto Academic Knowledge Featured 

Helping Students Hold Onto Academic Knowledge

Teachers know that just memorizing material can lead to a superficial grasp of concepts that is then quickly forgotten.  Students have busy lives and busy schedules which gives them little to no time to imbibe  large chunks of information given during school hours.  Once learned old material is replaced by new material resulting in “cramming” which is then quickly lost.... Read More
Benefits of Reading and Writing with Your Child Featured 

Benefits of Reading and Writing with Your Child

Children in a  lot of cultures  are taught at a very young age to start learning.  Parents of these children take the effort in a child’s formative years to have their child learn as much as possible in order to get a head start in life.  Prior to this, there were no conclusive studies to support the idea of early... Read More
How to Deal with Disruptive Students Featured 

How to Deal with Disruptive Students

When students are disruptive, teachers need to think on their feet and react quickly.  A teacher must respond to  negative behaviors with  correct ones.  This can be especially difficult when the negative behavior occurs during the time of classroom instruction. These behaviors can easily result in a cascade of reactions that may sacrifice valuable class time. However, difficult the  student... Read More
How to Help Your Child Develop Good Judgement Featured 

How to Help Your Child Develop Good Judgement

When raising my children I always hoped that they, as adults, would acquire the ability to make good judgements in their lives with or without their parents being there.  Many adults get crippled with the responsibility of trying to make the right decisions and instead make destructive choices.  Making good decisions is not innate it is an ability that is... Read More
Schools Fail to Provide Students of Diverse backgrounds to Engage in Outside Science Based Learning Featured 

Schools Fail to Provide Students of Diverse backgrounds to Engage in Outside Science Based Learning

According to new research published in the International Journal of Science Education, schools should being doing more to open up science education outside the school environment for children of diverse backgrounds. When survey data was analyzed from almost 6,000 UK secondary school children ranging from aged 11 to 16 that had considerably low science engagement;  scientists found that students from less privileged backgrounds... Read More
A Montessori Education for Your Gifted Learner Featured 

A Montessori Education for Your Gifted Learner

When I was raising my child I made the conscientious effort to put him through a Montessori education. Without regret, I felt it was one of the wisest moves I had ever made. But in the beginning I like all of you, wondered what actually goes into a Montessori education and how my child could benefit from it. My son... Read More
The Importance of Arts in Education Featured 

The Importance of Arts in Education

In recent years, school curricula in the United States have shifted heavily toward common core subjects of reading and math, but what about the arts?  Although some may regard the arts a luxury, starting simple creative art activities at the early stages help to establish the building blocks so necessary for the total development of the child.  Learning to create... Read More
How to Teach Kids Fairness Featured 

How to Teach Kids Fairness

Fairness in a lot of cultures is a fundamental moral value.  At a very early age, children get a sense of justice and fairness in their lives.  When children protest that they are not being treated fairly they are complaining about not getting what they want and not so much about being fair.  They like to give the appearance that... Read More